Vasudha Foundation in collaboration with Oxfam India did a detailed analysis of the energy cooperation between India and Bhutan, the modalities and conditionalities of the agreements signed by them. Further, the study also identified specific...
More“Sustainable and Climate Resilient Cities (Gurgaon/Puri) – Resources and Actions
“Sustainable and Climate Resilient Cities (Gurgaon/Puri) – Resources and Actions” is a project supported by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). As a part of which, Vasudha Foundation and German Watch organized...
More“Fulfilling the Paris Agreement: Pathways to Accelerate Clean Energy Deployment in Developing Countries”, CSO Panel discussion at the World Bank Spring Meetings 2016
Vasudha Foundation organised a panel discussion on “Fulfilling the Paris Agreement: Pathways to Accelerate Clean Energy Deployment in Developing Countries, at the Civil Society Policy Forum at the World Bank Spring Meetings, on Friday...
MoreThird Edition: BRICS Voices
Vasudha Foundation presents the Third edition and the February issue of the newsletter BRICS Voices It is a quarterly newsletter to foster greater engagement of CSOs on BRICS with a view to promote inclusion and accountability. An...
MoreFEATURE: Seeking Climate Finance for Resilient Indian Cities
Srinivas Krishnaswamy, CEO, Vasudha Foundation, reports on project activities for the CDKN supported project Finding the Finance: Climate Compatible development in Asian cities. With various development challenges that many Indian cities face...
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My Blog on the Paris Agreement
What Makes the Paris Agreement, Historical? by Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Chief Executive Officer, Vasudha Foundation For many of us, who have been following the Global Climate Negotiations, tend to think that the Paris Agreement is indeed a...
MoreA Handbook of India’s Policy Framework and State of Preparedness
Vasudha Foundation with support from Heinrich Böll Foundation India published the report “Policy Framework and Preparedness for Implementing Measures to Effectively Deal with Climate Change- An Analysis of four states in India” on 16th December...
MoreInformal Briefing on Paris Agreement and its Implications
Vasudha Foundation in collaboration with Council on Energy, Environment & Water (CEEW) and Indian Renewable Energy Federation (IREF) organised an informal briefing meet on Paris Agreement and its implications in India on 23rd December 2015 in...
MoreLetter from People of India to COP21 and Friends in the Developed World
Dear Friends, You don’t know us. You may not even have heard of us. We speak a different language but we are sure you will understand us. We can’t write; we are illiterate. We are poor. We live in far off places. There’s no...
MoreSecond Edition: BRICS Voices
Vasudha Foundation presents the second edition and the November issue of the newsletter BRICS Voices. It is a quarterly newsletter to foster greater engagement of CSOs on BRICS with a view to promote inclusion and accountability. An initiative of...