Vasudha Foundation in collaboration with Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) on 22nd September 2015 convened a meeting with the press in New Delhi to decode the current process under the UNFCCC for countries to propose their Intended...
MoreNewsletter: BRICS Voices
Vasudha Foundation has started a newsletter series ‘BRICS Voices’. It is a quarterly newsletter to foster greater engagement of CSOs on BRICS with a view to promote inclusion and accountability. An initiative of civil society groups...
MoreEcologically Friendly Alternatives
Phasellus sit amet elit sem. Maecenas eleifend ex id magna pretium tincidunt. Nam vel venenatis odio. Sed in metus eu dui gravida elementum. Fusce vehicula mauris quis interdum consequat. In cursus est faucibus odio auctor dapibus. Aliquam...
MoreSweet Pollutants: Sweeteners In Rivers
Phasellus sit amet elit sem. Maecenas eleifend ex id magna pretium tincidunt. Nam vel venenatis odio. Sed in metus eu dui gravida elementum. Fusce vehicula mauris quis interdum consequat. In cursus est faucibus odio auctor dapibus. Aliquam...
MoreClimate Change: Signs of the Planet:
Phasellus sit amet elit sem. Maecenas eleifend ex id magna pretium tincidunt. Nam vel venenatis odio. Sed in metus eu dui gravida elementum. Fusce vehicula mauris quis interdum consequat. In cursus est faucibus odio auctor dapibus. Aliquam...
MorePanel discussion on “Scaling up Renewable Solutions in Developing Economies” at the World Bank Spring Meeting, Civil Society Policy Forum, Washington DC, Friday, 17th April 2015
Vasudha Foundation organized a panel discussion on the theme of “Basket of Options for Scaling up Renewable Energy in Fast Developing Economies such as India”, at the Civil Society Policy Forum at the side lines of the World Bank...
MoreTechnical Workshop on GHG Emission Estimation: Exploring the SEEG Framework for India
Vasudha Foundation in collaboration with Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, OAK Foundation and Environmental Defense Fund organised a Technical Workshop on exploring the ‘Systems for Estimation of GHG Emissions (SEEG)’ Framework...
MoreStrong Future Forecast for Renewable Energy
The sun supplies a tremendous amount of free energy. We’ll help you take advantage of this infinite source of power through technologies.
MoreVasudha Foundation’s report release at the Civil Society Policy Forum of the World Bank’s Annual Meeting 2014
Vasudha Foundation released its new report, titled “Electricity for all in India- Why coal is not always king” on the 8th of October 2014, at the Civil Society Policy Forum of the World Bank’s Annual Meetings 2014. The panel...
MoreIndia-China Diplomacy: Learning, co-operating and paving the way for low carbon development.
by Sunita Dubey (Head of Programmes, Vasudha Foundation) The coveted trip by the Chinese Premier Xi Ping has put a lot attention on development paths of India and China, and the lessons they can learn from each other. The two countries have...
MoreA Handbook of Climate Finance in India
This hand-book has been designed as a guide for civil society groups, and other stakeholders in India to understand the various issues around climate finance needs and flows specific to the Indian context. It seeks to analyze the current...
MoreElectricity for all in India- Why coal is not always king
Coal has always been the mainstay of the Indian electricity sector and many policymakers and analysts believe that it must remain the primary source of electricity generation for at least the next three to four decades resulting in energy...