Workshop on ‘Technology Integration, Finance and Adoption Strategies for Addressing Net Zero Emissions Management’

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
Vasudha Foundation, in collaboration with Amrita University Vishwa Vidyapeetham and the Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA) with support from Germanwatch organized a workshop on ‘Technology Integration, Finance and Adoption Strategies for Addressing Net Zero Emissions Management’ on 8th February, 2023 at The Theatre, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. This workshop was a part of C20 dialogues from the CSO’s of G20 member countries on Net Zero Targets. The convening brought together representatives of Civil 20, Foundations 20, Business 20, and Think Tank 20 as well as other stakeholders in this event. The intent of this event was to start discussions with representatives from multiple groupings to understand their perspectives on Net Zero Emission Management with the ultimate intent of exploring having joint recommendations that could be submitted to the G20 member countries for their consideration. The consultation was held in hybrid mode, i.e., it was organized both in-person and through virtual mode. Overall, more than 200 people attended the workshop. The event was graced by special video messages from Mr. V. Muraleedharan, Hon’ble Union Minister of State, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India and from Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Chair, Civil20.
The workshop was structured in a manner to ensure interactive discussions and hearing out different perspectives to take on board and hence, the entire session was divided into 4 sessions. The inaugural session helped to set the context for the workshop. The significance of international cooperation and partnerships was highlighted in achieving global climate goals. Effective partnerships will result in the transfer of technology, and finance that could help to strengthen the global efforts towards a more sustainable future. A High-Level plenary that had panelist from the various G20 groupings focussed on the cost and complexity of net zero pathway, technology innovation, and role of climate finance. This session was followed by two parallel thematic group discussions on Technology and Finance. Thematic discussion on technology focused broadly on the aspects of policy levers to commercialize RE technologies as well as on the need to heighten international cooperation. While the Finance discussion deliberated on the importance of finance for climate resilience and social justice. The next Plenary held the discourse on technology adoption for climate action and also focused on the challenges faced in adoption of technology at ground level through experiential learning of different countries/sectoral experts. The next High-level Panel had speakers from G20 Troika countries who emphasised on the role of C20 working groups to act as bridge between communities and G20. Strengthening of international partnerships is crucial to address climate crisis was also recognized.
All the sessions and the day’s deliberations were summarized in the Valedictory session. The way forward was also discussed in this session.
The workshop participants agreed on the following key points:
- For all the countries to meet the net zero emissions targets, it must be ensured that clean technology is affordable and accessible, and there is adequate financial support.
- This can be achieved timely only when there is North-South and South-South cooperation
- Net Zero pathways need to be adequate, equitable and just in every aspect, in order to ensure no one is left behind.
- It was also recognised that to achieve these targets more frequent dialogues with wide range of stakeholders especially communities and youth are needed before framing the Net Zero roadmap.
- It was agreed unanimously “be the change you wish to see in the world”. Therefore, each and every individual need to take the onus of imbibing the principals of LiFE Mission. This would encourage our society to shift from mindless to meaningful consumption patterns/habits.
- Finance is crucial to make transition to a net zero economy. Blended finance and innovative financing models can bridge the gap to Net Zero with sustainable finance.
- The role of civil society in the Net Zero journey was recognised as crucial at multiple levels, from creating knowledge and awareness on issues to developing compelling stories on the need for compassion to nature and environment, to providing technical support to various agencies in their efforts to achieve Net Zero targets.
A detailed report of the workshop will soon be prepared and the recommendations received during this workshop will be shared to the C20 Working Group on Sustainable and Resilient Communities – Climate, Environment and Net Zero Targets.