Capturing Monthly/Yearly Data and Analysis of Key Areas of India’s Energy Sector – Primary Energy Mix in India; Per-Capita Energy and Electricity Consumption; India’s Electricity Capacity Mix (Utility-scale); India’s Electricity...
MoreAction Plan for Decarbonisation Pathways in Rajapayalam
January 2025 The Rajapalayam LPA has immense potential to become a ‘Model and Showcase’ town and a trendsetter for other towns in India to emulate in being both ‘Climate Smart’ as well as ‘Carbon Neutral’ and with some extra efforts possibly even...
MoreAccelerating Green Hydrogen Economy: India’s Progress on National Green Hydrogen Mission
Jaideep Saraswat, Nikhil Mall, Tushar Katiyar Time seems to be in a constant sprint, doesn’t it? It feels like just yesterday we were buzzing with excitement over some groundbreaking announcements on hydrogen. Now, almost a year later, here...
MoreDecoding ‘Just Transition’ in India: The Conceptual Underpinnings
Sarthak Shukla* Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing turbulent times as climate change and induced socio-economic impacts are threatening ecology, society and the economy. The multi-thousand pages of voluminous work over the past few...
MoreIndia’s Power Outlook Series – Volume 8 | Capturing a Decade of India’s Clean Energy Journey
India’s Power Outlook Series – Volume 8 The Coffee Table Book ‘Capturing a decade of India’s Clean Energy Journey’ is the eighth edition of the India Power Outlook Series Initiative by Vasudha Foundation. The Power Outlook Series...
More8 Things to Look Out for in the Union Budget 2023-24 vis-à-vis Clean Power
Jaideep Saraswat, Varun BR India stands as a bright spot at the global forum. It is one of the only large economies having upbeat growth prospects according to the World Economic Outlook 2023, released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)[1]...
MoreA Quick Look at the Key Numbers from National Green Hydrogen Mission
Jaideep Saraswat, Nikhil Mall, and Varun B.R. India’s tryst with Hydrogen has been progressively gaining momentum over the last two decades. Beginning in 2003, with the institution of the National Hydrogen Energy Board, the Government has been...